Roki Robotics is a Mexican exoskeleton company providing solutions for the rehabilitation and mobility of those inflicted with severe disabilities.
Roki Wheels provides mobility for individuals with full lower limb / spinal paralysis.
Roki pro is a customizable and modular exoskeleton to aid with walking.
Roki clinics is designed specifically for rehabilitation clinics.
MIND 1E Av. Faro 2350,
Col. Verde Valle,
Guadalajara, Jalisco,
CP 44550
Company Info

Roki Pro
Roki Pro is an exoskeleton customized for the user that allows them to stand up and walk for rehabilitation purposes. Designed for people with spinal cord injuries. It consists of 2 legs and a backpack.
It is divided into 5 parts and can be packed into a suitcase. It is controlled by an RF remote that can be placed on a walker or crutches.
It may include a Smartwatch with a Roki App to control and visualize what the robot is doing.


Wheels enables a person with a spinal cord injury to stand up and go out to the store and come back. It has a self-balancing system to pass steep ramps even sideways.
It is all-terrain. It can pass through gravel, cobblestones, dirt, grass, broken sidewalks, steep ramps, and some steps. Adjustable to different heights.
Transportable, it can be loaded onto a car to take it everywhere. It helps the user change positions throughout the day, which helps strengthen bones, digestion, and joints.
Clinics can be adjusted in 5 minutes from 1.50 to 1.98 m in height. It can be operated by the user or by a physiotherapist.
It consists of 2 legs and a backpack. With the help of a therapist, it can be used by people with a level of cervical injury C6-C8 or lower. It is divided into 3 parts.
It is controlled by an RF remote that can be placed on a walker.