GOGOA is a startup located in Urola Garaia (Urretxu), with office in Bizkaia, that designs and manufactures robotic devices to assist and rehabilitate the movement.
HANK and BELK are the CE marked lower limb exoskeletons for rehabilitation.
Hand of hope is an electromyographic hand exoskeleton that helps patients recover after a stroke.
Gogoa also provide industrial exoskeletons via their spin-off Cyber Human Systems.
(+34) 666 325 361
c / Arzubia 10b, 7 ground floor
48220 Abadiño (Bizkaia)
Company Info

he HANK exoskeleton is designed to aid in the rehabilitation of individuals who have suffered from spinal cord injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, or cerebrovascular accidents (such as stroke) by focusing on their lower limbs. With six motorized joints, this solution promotes functional recovery of gait and helps patients regain their independence.
In less than five minutes, Hank can be set up without any interchangeable parts. This exoskeleton is adjustable to accommodate users ranging from 1.50 to 1.95 meters in height and up to 100 kilos in weight, thanks to its innovative design of extensible bars and adaptable ties that adapt to different anthropometric measurements.
One noteworthy feature of this product is its motorized ankle joint, which plays a crucial role in preventing foot drop and equinus deformities, as well as providing the necessary propulsion at the onset of the swing phase and maintaining balance.


GOGOA has created the BELK system, a robotic device designed for knee rehabilitation in patients recovering from stroke or surgery-related injuries. This product offers users the ability to easily adjust the degree of angular movement and speed of the device, as well as regulate walking assistance by creating a force field tailored to the patient’s needs and progress.
Hand of Hope
The Hand of Hope is an electromyographic exoskeleton designed to aid stroke patients in their recovery. This state-of-the-art technology combines robotics and neuroscience to enable the restoration of movement in the paralyzed hand. Interactive games are also incorporated into the device to assist patients in rehabilitating any shoulder and hand abnormalities.