Marsi Bionics provides rehabilitation exoskeletons for gait training. It works alongside patients and carers to ensure the most effective treatment in received when operating its devices:
MB-Active Knee is a powered knee orthosis with adaptable stiffness, which interprets the needs of the patient and provides the strength, mobility and stability necessary to be able to walk.
Atlas Pediatric Exo is specially-designed for children, and consists of 8 active joints that provide full overground mobility in all directions. The device can also be adjusted to compensate the growth of the child.
Calle Marie Curie 19, 1-6
28521 – Rivas-Vaciamadrid
Madrid (España)
+34 914 900 090
Company Info

MB-Active Knee
The MAK Active Knee has obtained CE clearance and is specifically indicated for gait rehabilitation in patients who suffer from knee weakness or hemiplegia. This device has demonstrated successful outcomes in rehabilitation following total knee arthroplasty and is currently undergoing clinical trials to extend its use to treat brain damage resulting from a stroke, multiple sclerosis, muscular atrophies, muscular dystrophies, and to assist with muscle weakness due to aging.
To use the MAK Active Knee, users must meet certain requirements, such as having a maximum weight of 100 kg. However, there are contraindications for individuals with osteoporosis, severe spasticity,

Atlas Pediatric Exo

The ATLAS 2030 is a THKAFO-type gait exoskeleton designed to provide comprehensive support for children from their trunk to their feet. With no requirement for thoracic control, the device can include a head restraint system as needed. Featuring 8 active joints, the exoskeleton enables full mobility in all directions, with easy adjustments to accommodate the child’s growth. The exoskeleton can be easily fitted in just 5 minutes and comes with an auxiliary frame that provides safety and independence for the patient, as well as allowing therapists to interact with them face to face without holding them.
The exoskeleton uses non-invasive methods to interpret the patient’s intention to move, responding accordingly at every step. It can also work passively to generate specific walking patterns for each patient. Additionally, the exoskeleton comes with removable batteries for convenience.